Noreen Stormont

Noreen Stormont

Proud web guru. Hipster-friendly twitter evangelist. Infuriatingly humble music enthusiast. Infuriatingly humble bacon enthusiast. Subtly charming social media geek.

55 Total Posts
Understanding Financial Risks

Understanding Financial Risks

Financial risks are an ever-present factor in business operations. Whether you are a small business or a large...

Risk Transfer Measures: Understanding and Strategies

Risk Transfer Measures: Understanding and Strategies

Risk transfer measures are essential for any organization looking to mitigate potential risks. But what exactly are risk...

Auditing Standards for Financial Statements

Auditing Standards for Financial Statements

Financial statement auditing is an essential component of any business, providing assurance that the financial records...

Definition of Internal Audit

Definition of Internal Audit

Internal Auditing is a critical component of an organization's risk management strategy. It is an independent, objective...

Analyzing Audit Risks: A Comprehensive Overview

Analyzing Audit Risks: A Comprehensive Overview

Audit risks can be daunting to analyze and understand. Companies must ensure that their risk management processes are...

Definition of Process Audit

Definition of Process Audit

Process Auditing is a type of operational audit that is focused on the evaluation of an organization's processes. It...

Internal Audit Report Example: Compliance

Internal Audit Report Example: Compliance

The internal audit report is an important document for any organization, as it provides a detailed evaluation of the...

Organizational Roles in Operational Auditing

Organizational Roles in Operational Auditing

Organizational roles in operational auditing are essential to ensuring that businesses are adhering to regulations,...

Corrective Actions Tracking: An Overview

Corrective Actions Tracking: An Overview

Effective tracking of corrective actions is critical to any organization's overall operational audit process. By...

Avoiding Risks: An Overview of Risk Avoidance Measures

Avoiding Risks: An Overview of Risk Avoidance Measures

Risk avoidance is an essential part of any operational audit, and it's important for organizations to be proactive about...

Audit Closure Report: An Overview

Audit Closure Report: An Overview

An audit closure report is an important document for organizations to understand the findings of an audit and to assess...

Best Practices for Compliance Auditing

Best Practices for Compliance Auditing

Compliance auditing is an essential component of any business or organization's operations. It is necessary to ensure...

Understanding the Definition of Auditor Integrity

Understanding the Definition of Auditor Integrity

Auditor integrity is an essential element of operational auditing, and understanding it is key to the success of any...

Audit Scope Definition: An Overview of Operational Audit Procedures and Checklists

Audit Scope Definition: An Overview of Operational Audit Procedures and Checklists

The proper audit scope definition is essential to ensure that all necessary procedures and checklists are followed in an...

Definition of Auditor Objectivity

Definition of Auditor Objectivity

The concept of auditor objectivity is of paramount importance when it comes to operational auditing. It is essential that ...

Writing a Results Summary Report

Writing a Results Summary Report

Creating a results summary report is a crucial step in any audit process. A well-crafted summary report should provide a...

Audit Findings Documentation: An Overview

Audit Findings Documentation: An Overview

Audit findings documentation is a critical component of any operational audit. It provides a comprehensive record of the...

Exploring Improved Compliance and Risk Management in Operational Auditing

Exploring Improved Compliance and Risk Management in Operational Auditing

Organizations everywhere are under increasing pressure to manage their compliance and risk management processes more...

Interview and Meeting Strategies for Auditors

Interview and Meeting Strategies for Auditors

As an auditor, it is essential to have effective strategies for conducting interviews and meetings in order to maximize...

Governance and Oversight in Operational Auditing

Governance and Oversight in Operational Auditing

Operational auditing plays an essential role in providing organizations with oversight and governance. It is a form of...

Compliance Audit: Definition and Overview

Compliance Audit: Definition and Overview

A compliance audit is an important process used to ensure that organizations adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and...

Writing an Internal Audit Report: An Example

Writing an Internal Audit Report: An Example

Writing an internal audit report can be a daunting task. It requires a thorough understanding of the process, as well as...

Process External Audit Report Example

Process External Audit Report Example

The external audit report process is a crucial step in evaluating a company's financial health and stability. The...

Understanding Compliance External Audit Reports

Understanding Compliance External Audit Reports

Compliance external audit reports are essential for any organization, as they provide an overview of the organization's...

Process Risks: An Overview

Process Risks: An Overview

Process risks are an important aspect of operational audits and risk mitigation strategies. Understanding the various...

External Audit: Definition and Overview

External Audit: Definition and Overview

An external audit is an independent assessment of a company's financial records and operations. It is conducted by an...

Evaluating Audit Risks

Evaluating Audit Risks

The process of evaluating audit risks is an essential part of any organization's internal control system. It involves...

Audit Objectives Definition: A Comprehensive Overview

Audit Objectives Definition: A Comprehensive Overview

Auditing is an important process that helps provide assurance to stakeholders that an organization is following all of...

Audit Your Finances: An Overview of Operational Auditing

Audit Your Finances: An Overview of Operational Auditing

When it comes to ensuring the financial health of your business, one of the most important steps you can take is having...

Best Practices for Process Auditing

Best Practices for Process Auditing

Process Auditing is a critical element of any business operations and an important tool for ensuring the accuracy of...

What Is Auditor Independence: Definition and Examples

What Is Auditor Independence: Definition and Examples

Auditor independence is a critical concept for organizations of all sizes, from public companies to small nonprofits. It...

Audit Risks: Identifying and Mitigating Strategies

Audit Risks: Identifying and Mitigating Strategies

Auditing is an important part of any organization's operations. It helps ensure that processes and procedures are being...

Financial Statement Internal Audit Report Example

Financial Statement Internal Audit Report Example

As a business owner, you must ensure that your financial statements are accurate and up-to-date. Having an internal audit ...

What is an Operational Audit?

What is an Operational Audit?

Have you ever wondered what an operational audit is? It's a type of audit that is used to review the operational...

Understanding a Financial Statement External Audit Report Example

Understanding a Financial Statement External Audit Report Example

Having a complete understanding of the financial statement external audit report example is essential for anyone involved ...

What Are the Objectives of Operational Auditing?

What Are the Objectives of Operational Auditing?

Operational auditing is an important tool for businesses of all sizes, from small start-ups to large corporations. It...

Overview of Compliance Audits

Overview of Compliance Audits

Compliance audits are an important part of any organization's operations. They involve evaluating the effectiveness of...

Enhanced Decision-Making: An Overview

Enhanced Decision-Making: An Overview

Making decisions is a complex process, and one that can be enhanced with the right tools. Enhanced decision-making gives...

Audit Follow-up Procedure: A Comprehensive Overview

Audit Follow-up Procedure: A Comprehensive Overview

When it comes to the audit process, a comprehensive follow-up procedure is essential to ensure the accuracy and success...

Best Practices for Financial Statement Auditing

Best Practices for Financial Statement Auditing

Auditing financial statements is an important part of ensuring the accuracy and integrity of financial records. Without...

Understanding Compliance Risks and Mitigation Strategies

Understanding Compliance Risks and Mitigation Strategies

In the world of business, compliance is an essential element to ensure the safety and security of an organization....

Financial Statement Audit Definition

Financial Statement Audit Definition

Auditing financial statements is an essential part of any business. It provides a comprehensive and independent review of ...

Data Collection and Review: An Operational Audit Procedure and Checklist

Data Collection and Review: An Operational Audit Procedure and Checklist

Data collection and review is an important part of any operational audit procedure and checklist. It enables an...

Standards for Process Auditing

Standards for Process Auditing

Process auditing is an essential part of any organization's operational strategy. It helps ensure that processes are...

Risk Control Measures - An Overview

Risk Control Measures - An Overview

Risk control measures are essential for any business, as they provide protection against potential losses and help ensure ...

Operational Auditing – An Overview

Operational Auditing – An Overview

Operational auditing is an important process in many organizations, providing essential oversight and assurance of the...

The Benefits of Improved Financial Performance

The Benefits of Improved Financial Performance

The benefits of improved financial performance are undeniable. Improved financial performance means increased profits,...

Standards for Compliance Auditing

Standards for Compliance Auditing

Compliance auditing is an essential part of any business. It ensures that the company is following all applicable laws...

Understanding Follow-up Actions Reports

Understanding Follow-up Actions Reports

Follow-up actions reports are a critical part of the audit process, providing a comprehensive overview of the steps taken ...

Process Audits Overview

Process Audits Overview

Process audits are a critical part of operational auditing, as they help to ensure that processes are being carried out...

The Scope of Operational Auditing

The Scope of Operational Auditing

Operational auditing is a crucial process that helps organizations to assess, evaluate and improve their business...

Strategic Risks: An Overview

Strategic Risks: An Overview

Strategic risks can pose a significant challenge to any organization. It is essential that organizations understand these ...

Recommendations Report: An Overview

Recommendations Report: An Overview

Creating a recommendations report is an important part of any operational audit or checklist procedure. It is the final...

Audit Risk Assessment: An Overview

Audit Risk Assessment: An Overview

Audit risk assessment is a critical process that helps organizations ensure their financial reports are accurate and...

A Comprehensive Overview of Operational Auditor Roles and Responsibilities

A Comprehensive Overview of Operational Auditor Roles and Responsibilities

Operational auditing is an essential part of any organization's risk management and compliance efforts. It provides an...